Discover Citizenship by Investment in Saint Lucia

Unlock Your Path to Saint Lucian Citizenship: Where Dreams Meet Paradise

Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment: Your Pathway to Paradise 

Are you ready to embark on a journey to a tropical paradise? Welcome to the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment program, your gateway to acquiring citizenship in one of the most stunning Caribbean destinations. Saint Lucia offers a unique opportunity for individuals and families to call this picturesque island nation their second home. Our team at Belalgarve Consultants is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the application process. Discover the rich culture, natural beauty, and endless possibilities that come with Saint Lucian citizenship. Let's make your dreams of Caribbean living a reality. 

Eligibility Criteria for Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment

Qualifications and Requirements 

To be eligible for the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment program, applicants must meet specific qualifications and adhere to the program's requirements. Here are the key eligibility criteria:

Age Requirement

Applicants must be at least 18 years old to apply for Saint Luciaan citizenship through investment.

Investment Requirements

To qualify, applicants must make an eligible investment in one of the approved options.

Source of Funds

Applicants must provide evidence of the lawful source of their funds for the investment.

Health and Character Requirement

Applicants and their dependents must undergo a due diligence process to assess their health and character. Any individuals with a criminal record or posing a security risk may be ineligible.

Application Process

The application process involves several stages, including the submission of required documents, due diligence checks, and payment of government fees.

No Residency Requirement

Saint Lucia's citizenship program does not have a residency requirement, allowing applicants to obtain citizenship without the need to reside in the country.


Applicants can include any of the following family members into their application:

  • Spouse
  • Children below 18 years of age
  • Children of either the Principal Applicant or his/her Spouse between the ages of 21 – 30 years, who are financially dependent on the applicant
  • The Principal Applicant's siblings under the age of 18 years and unmarried
  • The main applicant's or his/her spouse's grandparents and parents, aged over 55 years and are financially dependent on thePrincipal Applicant
  • A child or parent of either the Principal Applicant or his/her spouse who is of any age and is physically or mentally challenged as well as being fully supported by the Principal Applicant

Note: Meeting these eligibility criteria is essential for a successful application. Our team at Belalgarve Consultants is here to assist and guide you through every step of the process to help you achieve the Saint Lucia citizenship through investment.

Ineligibility for Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment 

Saint Lucia maintains strict criteria to ensure the integrity of its citizenship program. Applicants falling into any of the following categories are deemed ineligible for the program:

  • Misrepresentation: Any application found to contain false or misrepresented information will be ineligible for consideration.
  • Mental Incapacity: Individuals declared mentally incapacitated by a court of law or a qualified health practitioner are not eligible.
  • Criminal Convictions: Those with convictions for criminal offenses, excluding minor traffic violations, are ineligible.
  • Bankruptcy: Individuals who have been declared bankrupt by a court of law are not eligible for Saint Lucia citizenship.
  • Visa Denial: Applicants who have faced a visa denial from any country for which Saint Lucia offers visa-free travel and have not subsequently acquired a visa for the same country are also ineligible.

It's essential for applicants to meet these eligibility criteria to participate in the Saint Lucia citizenship by investment program. Our team at Belalgarve Consultants can provide guidance and support to ensure a successful application process.

Investment Options for Saint Lucia Citizenship

Diverse Investment Pathways for obtaining the Saint Lucia Citizenship 

Explore a range of investment options that pave the way to obtaining citizenship in enchanting Saint Lucia. These pathways are designed to cater to your unique goals and preferences, offering you the opportunity to become a citizen of this picturesque Caribbean nation.

Investment Options:

National Economic Fund (NEF)

The National Economic Fund is a direct contribution to Saint Lucia's development. To qualify, the following contribution amounts apply:

  • Main Applicant: US$240,000
  • Additional dependents under 18 years: US$10,000 (US$5,000 for an infant 12 months or younger)
  • Additional dependents over 18 years of age: US$20,000

Real Estate Investment

Invest in government-approved real estate projects. This investment option offers you the flexibility to choose from various luxurious properties and resorts.

  • Minimum Investment: US$300,000 (Irrespective of the number of dependents that are included in the application) 

Government Bonds Investment (NAB - National Action Bond)

Purchase non-interest-bearing government bonds. These bonds serve as a secure investment while fostering economic development in Saint Lucia.

  • Minimum Investment: US$300,000 (Irrespective of the number of persons in the application)

The bond investment option is subject to an additional non-refundable administration fee of US$50,000.

These investment options offer you a chance to become a citizen of Saint Lucia while contributing to its prosperity. Select the pathway that aligns with your objectives and embark on your journey towards citizenship in this tropical paradise. Our team at Belalgarve Consultants is here to assist and guide you through the process.

Benefits of the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program

Unlocking Opportunities with the Citizenship of Saint Lucia

Embark on a journey towards citizenship in the captivating nation of Saint Lucia and discover a world of advantages. The Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment program offers a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond obtaining a second passport. From visa-free travel to a vibrant lifestyle, explore the advantages of becoming a citizen of this tropical paradise.

Visa-Free Travel

Obtain the freedom to travel to over 146 countries without the need for a visa, including the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and other desirable destinations.

Dual Citizenship

Saint Lucia permits dual citizenship, allowing you to retain your current nationality while becoming a Saint Luciaan citizen.

No Residency Requirement

There is no mandatory residency requirement, providing flexibility in choosing where you reside.

Tax Advantages

Enjoy tax benefits, as Saint Lucia does not impose taxes on income, capital gains, inheritance, or wealth.

Stable Investment

Invest in a country known for its political stability and secure investment environment.

Strategic Location

Benefit from Saint Lucia's strategic location in the Caribbean, with easy access to international markets.

Educational Opportunities

Access top-notch education and healthcare services for you and your family.

Quality of Life

Experience a high quality of life with a pleasant climate, stunning landscapes, and a rich cultural heritage.

Economic Growth

Contribute to Saint Lucia's economic growth by investing in approved projects and enterprise initiatives.

Family Inclusion

Include your family members in the application, including your spouse, children, and dependents, making it a family-friendly option.

Security and Privacy

Safeguard your assets and wealth through secure financial regulations and privacy laws.

Resale Option

Under certain conditions, you may have the option to resell your property investment, offering potential financial gains.

These benefits make the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment program an attractive choice for individuals seeking global mobility, financial security, and a rewarding lifestyle. Join the ranks of those who have embraced the advantages of Saint Luciaan citizenship and experience the beauty of this Caribbean jewel.

Applying for Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment

Your Path to Becoming a Saint Lucian Citizen 

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a citizen of Saint Lucia? The Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment program offers you a unique opportunity to acquire citizenship in this tropical paradise. Belalgarve Consultants is your trusted partner on this exciting path. We are here to guide you through each step of the application process, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. Discover how you can obtain Saint Lucian citizenship and unlock a world of possibilities in one of the Caribbean's most enchanting destinations. Join us as we walk you through the comprehensive application process, providing you with the information and support you need to make your dream of becoming a Saint Lucian citizen a reality. 

Step-by-Step Guide to the Application Process:

  1. Consultation with Belalgarve Consultants:
    Begin your journey by scheduling a consultation with Belalgarve Consultants. Our experienced team will assess your eligibility and discuss your investment options.

  2. Choose Your Investment Path:
    Select the investment option that aligns with your goals. Options include the National Economic Fund (NEF), Real Estate Investment, Enterprise Project Investment, or Government Bonds Investment.

  3. Due Diligence and Document Gathering:
    Prepare all required documents, including proof of funds, identity documents, and other supporting materials. Undergo a thorough due diligence check.

  4. Submission of Application:
    Submit your application to the Saint Lucian government, along with the necessary fees. Your application will be reviewed for completeness.

  5. Government Processing:
    The government will process your application, conducting additional checks and verifications.

  6. Investment Transfer:
    If you've chosen the Real Estate or Enterprise Project options, make the required investment transfer.

  7. Approval in Principle:
    Upon successful review, you will receive an approval in principle from the government.

  8. Complete Investment:
    For the National Economic Fund or Government Bonds options, make the required investment.

  9. Oath of Allegiance:
    Take the Oath of Allegiance and receive your Saint Lucian citizenship certificate.

  10. Passport Application:
    Apply for your Saint Lucian passport, granting you access to visa-free travel to numerous countries.

  11. Enjoy Your New Citizenship:
    Celebrate becoming a Saint Lucian citizen and explore the opportunities and benefits that come with it.

  12. Contact Belalgarve Consultants:
    Our team is here to assist you at every step of the way. Contact us for any guidance or support you may need during or after the application process.

Embark on your journey to Saint Lucia citizenship with confidence, knowing that Belalgarve Consultants is by your side to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

Legal and Financial Compliance for Saint Lucia Citizenship

Meeting the Requirements and Costs for the Saint Lucia Citizenship 

Obtaining citizenship in Saint Lucia through the Citizenship by Investment program comes with specific legal and financial considerations. This section outlines the compliance requirements and details the associated fees to help you navigate the process smoothly. 

Legal Compliance

To ensure legal compliance, applicants must adhere to Saint Lucia's citizenship regulations. Our experienced team at Belalgarve Consultants will guide you through this aspect of the application, ensuring that all legal requirements are met.

Financial Compliance

Apart from the investment amounts, there are additional fees associated with the citizenship application. These fees contribute to due diligence, government processing, and essential services. Here's a breakdown:

Due Diligence Fees (Payable on submission of application)

  • US$7,500 – Main Applicant
  • US$5,000 – Spouse
  • US$5,000 – Dependents over 16 years
  • US$1,000 – Bank Due Diligence Fee

Government Processing Fees (Payable on submission of application)

  • US$2,000 – Main Applicant
  • US$1,000 – Spouse
  • US$1,000 – Each other Dependent

The Processing fees are not applicable for the Real Estate investment path.

Government Administrative Fees (Payable on submission of application)

  • US$30,000 – Main Applicant
  • US$45,000 – Main applicant with Spouse
  • US$10,000 – Dependents 18 years and over
  • US$5,000 – Dependents under 18 years

Only one administrative fee of US$50,000 applies to the purchase of Government Bonds, regardless of the number of dependents included in the application.

There are no administrative costs from the government for the donation option.

Consultation and professional legal fees (Payable on launch of the process)

  • US$2,500 - Consultation Fees
  • US$25,000 - Professional and legal fees

Other Applicable Fees

Additional fees may apply, including translation fees, bank transfer fees and passport fees. These fees ensure a smooth processing of your application and grant you access to the benefits of Saint Lucia citizenship.

Rest assured that with Belalgarve Consultants, your journey to Saint Lucia citizenship is not only legally sound but also in full financial compliance with all requirements. We are here to assist and guide you through every step of the process.

Take the First Step Towards Your Caribbean Dream

Contact Us to Begin Your Saint Lucia Citizenship Journey 

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to obtain citizenship in the beautiful Caribbean nation of Saint Lucia? The Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment program offers you a unique opportunity to become a citizen of this tropical paradise, and Belalgarve Consultants is your trusted partner to guide you every step of the way.

Whether you're seeking information, looking to initiate the application process, or interested in receiving a free and commitment-free quotation, our team is here to assist you. We are committed to making your dream of becoming a citizen of Saint Lucia a reality. Contact us today to get started on this transformative adventure.

Complete the contact form below, and one of our experienced consultants will reach out to you promptly. Join our community of happy clients who have successfully obtained citizenship in Saint Lucia and have unlocked a world of possibilities in one of the Caribbean's most enchanting destinations.

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